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The apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:10, “I want to know Christ.” And he humbly goes on to say, in essence, “I haven’t fully attained it yet, but I want to, more and more.”
One of the things I’ve learned about God is that human beings cannot figure Him out! But that shouldn’t stop us from learning how to learn and never stop learning about God and our Lord Jesus.
Faith realizes that Christ is alive! Then who can cry? Let faith dry your eyes, look up, look around—then look ahead!
No greater joy when my children walk in Truth, No greater sorrow when they don’t…
Did you know the Holy Spirit can live in you? When Jesus told the disciples this, they couldn’t grasp what Jesus meant…
Some people have the impression that God’s will is like the high wire in a circus. The acrobats climb the ladder to the top of the tent, where they get on the wire
God is the refuge for his people and the conqueror of nations. God commands a heavenly host—spirits that battle the abounding evil that threatens us. But many people wonder if angels really exist.
People matter more than schedules. People matter more than programs. Making people a priority means putting people first. This is the way Jesus lived.
Ezekiel was ever conscious that his people were caught up in a tragedy of their own making and that he had been called to warn them of the coming consequences of their sin.
A little girl once prayed, Dear God, I bet it’s very hard for You to love everybody in the whole world. There are only four people in my family, and I can never do it!
Stuart, How do I know God loves me?
Waiting for the dawn to dawn, when night is long and black, Waiting for a heart to heal or a kid to get on track.
When we are truly sorry, and truly forgiven, guilt cannot blanket our souls with depression anymore. Guilt smothers, whispering in our ears, “Don’t…
Stuart’s mother was a grand old lady. She was a wonderful Jesus-lover and glory-to-God-giver. …Will I have the same impact on the next generation?
Stuart, how do I live out my faith in a family that isn’t Christian?
You and I live in a post-modern world that questions our absolute trust in God. One of the things you’ll often hear is that you can’t be certain of God unless…
Before I came to Christ, I couldn’t imagine how life could be any better. But when I put my faith in Jesus, I discovered…
Stuart, I’m far from perfect. How can can I be a true Christ-follower?
Divinity wrapped in a blanket, Laid in the arms of the race…
Joy is Jesus wrapped in swaddling bands, Joy is Jesus in Mary’s loving hands…
Today people live longer, stay healthier, and wear the badge of grandparent for many years!
One day in India after a traumatic and wrenching ministry visit, Jesus asked me a hard question.
Some people work hard to delay aging, don’t they?
The suggestive ad utilized by the city of Las Vegas says, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” But what happened in Vegas cannot, must not, and will not stay in Vegas.
When healing oil was needed for the wounds within my soul, When battered raw and bleeding, I needed to be whole
Many years ago, I faced one of the greatest challenges in my ministry life. There was a man named Jim in our congregation who was in his sixties and battling cancer.
Many people settle for living a shriveled life with shriveled hopes. But God wants you to live a bigger, better, grander Life than that!
Jill, how do you seek your heavenly Father for comfort?
Let me tell you about the time I went down into a gold mine in South Africa.
I remember thinking once as a kid, Why would the same sun melt wax and harden clay?
Jill, how can both men and women keep from tempting the other sex?
Jill, how should a couple deal with the personality differences that can drive each other crazy? Stuart and I have been married 57 years…
It’s so important for a married couple to understand what makes each of them feel loved. The language of love for a wife might be…
I was talking with a woman—I’ll call her Sharon—who was struggling with forgiving her husband for wronging her years ago. She told me…
Have you ever been in a place in life where you’re burned out and have nothing more to give? Maybe you’re there right now…
Jill, how can I break free from overwhelming busyness and just be still? I read recently about a woman who fasted from technology…
Have you ever heard someone say, “There aren’t enough hours in the day!”? The truth is there are exactly the right number of hours in a day…
It’s a struggle for some of us to keep our prayer lives alive and effective. Sometimes we even get to the point of wondering if prayer really works…
Jill, how do you pray for a child who is slipping away from their faith?
In Scripture we see how the Holy Spirit always leads us to Jesus, and how Jesus always leads us to the Father. Jesus said, “I am the way…”
I’ve noticed there are an awful lot of feelings of inadequacy around today. And the thing about inadequacy is that it’s determined by what kind of expectations you have.
My husband Stuart and I have traveled the world over many times in our four decades of ministry. And one of the most common questions people ask us is…
Most of us experience a time in life when it feels like we hear nothing but silence from heaven. Yes, we know intellectually that God is ever present with us. But if we were to be very honest, there are times when it simply doesn’t feel that way.
The contemporary church is facing a serious situation related to young Christians leaving the church and—in many cases—abandoning the faith. Despite the recent research, we aren’t the first generation to experience this problem…
During World War II in England, we lived in Liverpool which was bombed continually. So my father, on leave from the war, moved the family to the comparative safety of the English Lake District.
You and I live in a mixed-up world that fundamentally embraces a different worldview from our own. Now, I know that this is a statement of the obvious, but I believe…
Time passes by quickly, doesn’t it? The days, months, and years seem to rush by at a rapid pace. And so, as one year finishes and another begins, how are you…