Listener Stories

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Meggie Joy fought a rare cancer that left her with lingering health issues. Watch as she shares how God has used and continues to use Telling the Truth and the Briscoes to help her surrender to the Holy Spirit and grow in her walk with ...

I heard the Briscoes on Focus on the Family this week and was delighted to hear their voices again! Stuart Briscoe impacted me many years ago while I was attending a college near Los Angeles. I had transferred from another college where women were considered ...

Diana finds encouragement listening to weekly messages and reading Stuart's daily devotions. ...
Susan is following Jill's example and wants "to keep on working for the Lord." ...
Unna finds Telling the Truth teachings "refreshing, invigorating, and challenging her faith in the Lord." ...
Marlene and John have learned to trust Telling the Truth to deliver God's ultimate truth. ...
Kathy enjoys Jill Briscoe's teachings and wants to thank her for being real and sharing her weaknesses. ...
When I was about 8 years old, growing up in Nigeria, my dad bought me a book you (Jill Briscoe) wrote called Harrow Sparrow. ...
Your messages have been relevant to the things I have been dealing with. They have given me tools for applying God’s Word ...
I love listening to Jill. She is so practical and knows when to interject humor. As a missionary ...
I came across Telling the Truth via a reading plan on the YouVersion app. When I saw that Pete designed the devotion, I knew it would be a good one. ...
Telling the Truth has been such a huge resource for my spiritual growth! I discovered it this summer when Stuart ...
I have been in a lonely valley for sometime, a believer the whole time but in need of hope, encouragement and the teaching of the Word of God. ...
In 2007, my wife Kathy and I fell into a slow fade. We grew apart, and I had an affair. It was one of the most trying times in both our lives ...
I found Telling the Truth on the OnePlace app and absolutely love listening to Jill and her stories! ...
I am a wife and mother to three. My husband's job had been in jeopardy, and it had been a stressful season of praying and waiting. ...
My husband wasn't a Christian when we got married, and we had many problems. We attended a marriage conference workshop ...
I just finished listening to Jill's message on Martha and busyness. Yes, I do have a constant tug of war between my Mary and Martha sides ...
I discovered your ministry after a long-term marriage, separation, then divorce. I "happened" across your program ...
I have been listening to and reading communication from Telling the Truth for a few years now. I have been struggling for the past five years ...
In 1992, I found myself driving from Marquette, Michigan to my home in suburban Chicago. As I was passing through Green Bay, I remember ...
It has been just shy of 10 years since we lost our dear daughter, Sherry, in an auto accident. The brightest smile in our family was suddenly gone ...
Many people have had many opinions regarding who I am or was. To most, I was what was wrong with the community. To many, I was worse than that ...
I have been so greatly blessed through your ministry. I'm 89 years old, and I am chair-bound, as I have suffered several minor strokes. I had a wonderful ...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your radio ministry. It has kept me company in my daily travels for some time, and has turned my part-time Christian walk ...
I live in Suffolk, England, and for the past nine years, Susanna (my daughter) has lived and worked in Japan. As she is my only child, I obviously miss having her ...
I'm 34 years old and have been a "Christian" for 29 years or so. I am just now beginning to understand God's grace: That we are no longer under the law, but are Saints, even in ...

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