Learn how Telling the Truth changed through the years
Stuart and Jill Briscoe have always had a passion for teaching God’s Word and speaking Truth into people’s hearts and moving them toward God. With that purpose in mind, they launched the Telling the Truth ministry.
The ministry began in 1971 while Stuart served as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, which grew into the largest evangelical church in the state. It started as a simple tape duplication ministry in a home basement, using a reel-to-reel tape recorder linked to a dozen smaller recorders to duplicate the Briscoes’ teaching. Volunteers monitored the process in real time, turning over cassettes at the appropriate time to record on the second side.
The First Radio Program
The small tape recording process drew the attention of many people who were eager for a copy of the teaching they heard at church to share with friends and neighbors. At the urging of a friend working in the radio industry, the Briscoes followed God’s leading and used the tape sales proceeds to purchase local radio time, which launched Telling the Truth’s radio outreach.
The radio program began to attract listeners and supporters, enabling the ministry to expand its broadcasting to a growing number of stations throughout the United States and abroad. In the late 1990s, Telling the Truth was blessed with opportunities to expand the broadcasts overseas with a newly formed Christian radio station in London, Premier Christian Radio, which today remains the only Christian station across the entire United Kingdom, with 1.2 million weekly listeners. Later Telling the Truth began airing in several countries in southeast Asia and across 10 countries in southern Africa.
Telling the Truth heard on-air and online
Today, Telling the Truth is heard anytime and anywhere, thanks to international radio programming, the internet, and our mobile app. The immense audio, video, and written teaching resources on our website help people who are seeking answers about God to know Christ and experience Life in all its fullness.