Jill answers questions about finding rest

Q: Jill, how can I break free from overwhelming busyness and just be still?

I read recently about a woman who fasted from technology. How she managed to do that, I have no idea—she worked in the technology industry! But she did it—and she came back a new person.

It wasn’t just that she had a break for herself, but she was able to come back to her day-to-day life with newness and freshness. And so whatever it is that’s controlling you—technology, certain activities, food, or anything else—fasting is a great idea. Ask the Lord what it is you need to fast from, and be willing to fast from anything that is controlling you.

Q: How can I know which burdens I should carry, and which I should let go?

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). As He was talking to fishermen, probably while sitting in a boat, He was saying, “Oh, you little boats that are sinking because you’re overburdened, come to Me, tie yourself to Me, yoke to Me.” So yoke to Him and listen to which burdens He wants you to remove from your little boat. The burdens that you yoke to Him will never sink you.

More on this topic:
A word from Stuart on Time bandits
Where to find rest when you feel burned out

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