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Sheri’s Story


I heard the Briscoes on Focus on the Family this week and was delighted to hear their voices again!

Stuart Briscoe impacted me many years ago while I was attending a college near Los Angeles. I had transferred from another college where women were considered equal with men in ministry (for God needs all His warriors—not just the male ones). But back in the 1970s in Southern California, I was being told that women could not hold ministry leadership positions—I was told it wasn’t scriptural.

I remember Stuart’s response: He said the teachings were unclear on that subject but that he did not want to stand before God someday and be accused of stifling any woman’s calling.

Those words picked up my stifled spirit and gave me the courage to keep on serving God, regardless of what was being taught around me. It helped solidify my courage and determination.

I am now an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, teaching children about Jesus. My new book, The Prince and the Plan, which teaches children about the plan of salvation, will come out next June.

The courage I gained from Stuart Briscoe’s comments all those years ago has helped me grow bold for Jesus. Thank you!


*Photo of Sheri

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