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Irene’s Story

I have been so greatly blessed through your ministry. I’m 89 years old, and I am chair-bound, as I have suffered several minor strokes. 

I had a wonderful conversion at the age of 19 and have walked with my Lord and Savior for the past 70 years. He has continually been my strength and guide, and I rejoice that I will be with Him throughout eternity!

Even though I’m so restricted and only have sight in one eye, I delight to still be able to read the Scriptures and Christian books, including your own! Your inspiring and sound Bible teaching program on Premier Christian Radio in London is enormously uplifting, informative, and encouraging to me. I wait eagerly every morning to listen! I have also had much joy in seeing a few DVD’s you have produced—it’s as if I am there in your church with you!

I would love to attend one of your conferences when you are in the UK and meet you personally, but, sadly, my disability would make this rather difficult.

Thank you so much for your marvelous devotion in teaching the Word of God in such a clear and interesting way. May you be greatly blessed by the Lord yourselves through the vast sacrificial service you are giving, which is very deeply appreciated by so many!


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