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Janet’s Story

I live in Suffolk, England, and for the past nine years, Susanna, my daughter, has lived and worked in Japan. As she is my only child, I obviously miss having her around. Thankfully, she is now married to a lovely Japanese Christian husband and they both have quite a testimony to the Lord’s leading and guidance in their life.

When Susanna first moved to Japan she knew no one. After a few weeks, she managed to find a Christian church. These are few and far between in that country! Not long after she arrived in Japan, I spoke to her about Jill Briscoe, and the ministry of Telling the Truth. Jill had apparently just returned from Japan and so Susanna emailed her. She was thrilled to receive a reply from Jill encouraging her and saying that she understood the difficulties of living in that land. Susanna felt so blessed that Jill had taken the time and the trouble to email her back.

Since then, Susanna has listened to Telling the Truth almost daily on her way to work on the subway and any other time she can tune in. Your ministry has been a God-given lifeline to Susanna and her husband, Takuya. I cannot begin to tell you the extent the blessing has been. I know she is so thankful to have access to such remarkable teaching. As her mother, I want to say thank you, also—thank you to all three of you from the bottom of my heart. Your ministry has really helped my daughter through difficult times. She has learned so much from your ministry. In fact, I am amazed at the way she has grown spiritually in the last few years.

Quite often on Skype we share how we have been helped by listening to your broadcasts—me in England and Susanna in Japan. Somehow, even though we are thousands of miles apart, listening to your messages during the week helps us feel  that much closer.

Thank you all so very much. We appreciate you more than you can imagine and we praise the Lord for the gifts He has given you. Thank you for your obedience in using them. May He continue to bless the ministry of Telling the Truth for many years to come.


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