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Stuart’s mother was a grand old lady. She was a wonderful Jesus-lover and glory-to-God-giver. …Will I have the same impact on the next generation?
Stuart, how do I live out my faith in a family that isn’t Christian?
You and I live in a post-modern world that questions our absolute trust in God. One of the things you’ll often hear is that you can’t be certain of God unless…
Before I came to Christ, I couldn’t imagine how life could be any better. But when I put my faith in Jesus, I discovered…
Stuart, I’m far from perfect. How can can I be a true Christ-follower?
Today people live longer, stay healthier, and wear the badge of grandparent for many years!
Some people work hard to delay aging, don’t they?
The suggestive ad utilized by the city of Las Vegas says, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” But what happened in Vegas cannot, must not, and will not stay in Vegas.
Many people settle for living a shriveled life with shriveled hopes. But God wants you to live a bigger, better, grander Life than that!
I was talking with a woman—I’ll call her Sharon—who was struggling with forgiving her husband for wronging her years ago. She told me…
It’s a struggle for some of us to keep our prayer lives alive and effective. Sometimes we even get to the point of wondering if prayer really works…
In Scripture we see how the Holy Spirit always leads us to Jesus, and how Jesus always leads us to the Father. Jesus said, “I am the way…”
I’ve noticed there are an awful lot of feelings of inadequacy around today. And the thing about inadequacy is that it’s determined by what kind of expectations you have.
My husband Stuart and I have traveled the world over many times in our four decades of ministry. And one of the most common questions people ask us is…
Most of us experience a time in life when it feels like we hear nothing but silence from heaven. Yes, we know intellectually that God is ever present with us. But if we were to be very honest, there are times when it simply doesn’t feel that way.
The contemporary church is facing a serious situation related to young Christians leaving the church and—in many cases—abandoning the faith. Despite the recent research, we aren’t the first generation to experience this problem…
During World War II in England, we lived in Liverpool which was bombed continually. So my father, on leave from the war, moved the family to the comparative safety of the English Lake District.
You and I live in a mixed-up world that fundamentally embraces a different worldview from our own. Now, I know that this is a statement of the obvious, but I believe…
Time passes by quickly, doesn’t it? The days, months, and years seem to rush by at a rapid pace. And so, as one year finishes and another begins, how are you…
What does it mean to have Jesus living in you? Well, when the apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian church, “God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches…
The words “judgment seat of Christ” can be a bit intimidating, can’t they? I think that’s because often when we hear the word judgment, we imagine ourselves…
I read a prayer recently that I thought was interesting. This is how it goes: “So far today, I’ve done alright. I’ve not gossiped, and I haven’t been…
Some years ago I was asked to tour a hospital. “I see this is your birthing wing,” I said to my tour guide. The dear hospital official smiled indulgently at my remark.
If you ask most people, they’ll tell you they believe in heaven. They love the idea of a God who takes everyone away to dwell forever with Him and experience the…
Years ago, I was in Australia teaching on the life of David—David who spent too much time on his rooftop watching Bathsheba bathe instead of fighting the battles of the Lord.
The Old Testament book of Habakkuk gives us an insightful look at a conversation between the prophet and God. Things were going badly for the people of Judah…
I love lists. And the reason I love them so much is because I’m a very organized person. Nothing makes me quite as happy as seeing a list with all of the boxes checked…
Do you ever feel like you’ve done your bit for the Kingdom? Maybe you think it’s someone else’s turn to do the hard work—that you’ve done all you can to tell others about Jesus.
You most likely know that the modern Olympic Games had their roots in ancient Greece. The writers of the New Testament were clearly conversant with the Games…
It was renowned author and management expert Peter Drucker who once said, “An educated person is someone who has learned how to learn and never stops learning.”