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God wants you to finish strong!

Do you ever feel like you’ve done your bit for the Kingdom? Maybe you think it’s someone else’s turn to do the hard work—that you’ve done all you can to tell others about Jesus. And now you want to sit back and take a break.

While I don’t want you to collapse with exhaustion, I do want to encourage you to persevere in the work of reaching out with the Gospel. And here’s why…

Lives are at stake. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38). What that means is there are countless numbers of people who are dead in their sin unless someone tells them about Jesus! You and I may sometimes feel like nobody wants to hear what we have to say, but Jesus says to keep your eyes open and get ready. You may just meet someone today you can help lead to the Lord.

God is working beside you. As the “Lord of the Harvest,” God isn’t sitting up in His office supervising. He isn’t watching from a distance while you and I do all the work. He’s got His jacket off and His sleeves rolled up. He’s working in the harvest and saying, “Come and join Me!”

I know it can be nerve-racking to open your heart to another person about the love of Jesus, but don’t give up. God is right by your side and His Spirit will do the work of convicting people of the truth.

We’re commanded to finish strong. In a regular job, most people start with enthusiasm, find a steady pace, and then eventually slow down and retire. In the work of the Kingdom, God wants you to finish even stronger than you started! He has given you a lifetime of skills and experience that He wants you to use to reach your family, friends, and community.

God wants you to finish even stronger than you started!

Yes, your enthusiasm may change over time. And perhaps as you get older, you don’t have the energy you once did. But wherever God has placed you today, there’s always an opportunity to be part of His work of harvesting souls… and your gifts and prayers are just as powerful no matter what season of life you’re in.