What does it mean to have Jesus living in you?
Well, when the apostle Paul wrote to the Colossian church, “God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27), he had something very specific in mind.
You see, if Christ is in you—meaning the living Jesus has come into your life by the Holy Spirit—then it would be reasonable to assume there will be some changes.
Think of it this way: There’s a remarkable difference between a house that’s empty and a house with someone living in it! The house that is empty is cold and dark and bleak. The house that is lived in is warm and welcoming. It’s a “home.”
In much the same way, when we receive Christ into our lives by His Spirit, He makes His presence known. He does it by changing our interests, altering our aspirations, working on our character, and transforming our nature.
Christ in you means experiencing a whole new kind of life!
And often, when this happens, the outside world won’t understand it. They’ll say, “I don’t get it. This person hates what he used to love and loves what he used to hate.”
The difference, of course, is that Christ has now come into his life. And after that, everything changes.