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If we are to avoid the abuse of God’s grace, we must accept the disciplines of discipleship.
Christ is a cause worth living for, and one worth dying for.
John testified without hesitation that Jesus was the long-promised Christ.
Yes, Jesus is the perfect leader. Follow Him!
Silence and solitude are great blessings to the overwrought human soul.
At the end of days, Jesus will be the one sitting on the throne; He will be the focus of attention.
Fathers are called to be significantly involved in the lives of their children.
Parents should never underestimate the importance of their obedience to the Lord in the development of their children.
The Lord takes notice of the “lowly,” and it is the “hungry” who are satisfied with good things.
There’s a major difference between believing in a hunch and believing in God’s Word.
Theologians use a trio of similarly difficult but noble words to describe God…
When God is leading, the path not known leads to the safety of His loving embrace.
Peter wrote that Christians are now “a kingdom of priests.” That means that…
How do you differentiate between a genuine message from God and the product of a vain imagination?
In today’s world, any fool can become a “hero.” But in God’s economy, a real hero is no fool!
Faithful, sensible servants have nothing to fear—their Lord is faithful and sensible, too!
In every situation, turn to the Lord, quietly and confidently, and expect Him to work! He will!
Jesus made sure He prepared His disciples for successfully walking in the Holy Spirit.
The church’s challenge is not to draw crowd; it’s to call a core of committed believers.
Our times of rest from work should be lived in conscious recognition not only of the Creator who rested, but also of His Son who rose again.
Reverence for God is the only appropriate response to our existence.
Trusting God to act on our behalf has the advantage of turning out right every time!
God is “the Holy One of Israel,” and His holiness must be demonstrated and recognized.
Life’s devastating traumas can bring about ultimate blessing…
Sometimes God has to take strong measures to get our attention and drive certain lessons home.
God’s firm dealings are not vindictive; His intent is to cleanse and restore.
People who persist in rebelling and inviting God’s punishment are asking for trouble…
What God wants is no mystery—He wants thankful, trusting, faithful children.
We have nowhere to turn but to the Lord, finding the resources of life in Him alone.
Not all attempts at peacemaking will succeed. But we must do our part.
If the believer becomes nervous about the demands of devotion, he should remember its delights…
Nothing is more crucial for man’s well-being in life and eternity than finding God.
There is no substitute for the compelling simplicity of the account of saving grace in your life.
Few things can be counted on to make a man passionate more quickly than money…
When temptations come, reaction time is cut to a minimum. That’s why prayer must be instantaneous and urgent.
Christianity did not follow the “man-movement-monument” scenario…
While earthly treasure can become a spiritual trap and liability, it can also be a useful tool and asset.
Jesus’ resurrection is the Father’s seal of validation that His death takes away our sins.
Preparing for Christ’s return is imperative and pays lasting dividends.
Grace in the workplace should never be far from the believer’s mind, and kindness at work will never be out of place.
Jesus didn’t call His disciples to isolation; He called them to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
Christianity is nothing if Christ is not God incarnate; but if He is God, Christianity is everything.
The more sophisticated man becomes, the more fascinated he is with origins. He peers with ever increasing erudition into the universe…
Wise leaders know how to keep the fires of enthusiasm burning while avoiding burning people out with exhaustion.
If circumstances dominate our thinking, we will exhaust our energy and find ourselves joyless and despairing.
One mark of spiritual maturity is the desire to see enemies blessed, not blighted.
We need not embrace every prediction of gloom and doom, but God’s warnings of the consequences of sin should not be dismissed.
Happy is the person who has eyes wide open to discern, desire, and do God’s will.
The relationship between God and His children needs communication—and communication involves listening and talking.