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As with the artist who has practiced, it is the hidden hours of discipline that determine our performance under pressure.
God transforms lives by the power of the Holy Spirit to demonstrate His holiness, power, and mercy.
Whatever our “nature or nurture,” we are individually responsible for our actions. But the story doesn’t end there…
There is a parallel between the ancient prophet and the modern-day believer…
Dark nights give way to fresh mornings, and God’s mercies bring energy and vigor to meet the day.
It is good to know who wins in the end. It’s even better to know you’re on His side!
Conventional wisdom today is that people cannot be trusted and will abuse any trust another may place in them…
We need to stop pretending and offer ourselves to God’s healing touch.
Not many of us are born athletic champions… but we were all born for something.
God’s delicious menu includes an everlasting covenant, mercies, unfailing love, and the promise of a fruitful life.
Scripture assures us that suffering experienced in this world is neither meaningless nor without value.
Man must learn to worship, joining creation in acknowledging the one in whom we live and move and have our being.
Ordering our lives according to the orders of the God of order… That’s an order!
Inadequate knowledge of the Lord led to an insufficient grasp of His purposes and an inferior experience of His love.
Because we know who wins, we can savor His victory—even while the “game” is still in progress.
God is not a politician running for office—His pronouncements warrant a better response than skepticism or dismissal.
Real repentance goes beyond being chagrined about what I’ve done to being distressed about what I am.
Intimacy in marriage is all about unreserved enjoyment, unabashed expression, and unequivocal exclusiveness.
Recollecting God’s tender mercies makes for warm hearts—and warm hearts warm other hearts to praise God’s holy name,
People too often trust in temporal things that pass away, rather than in the eternal Lord from whom all things come.
While there are noble poor people and rich rascals, as a general rule the lazy languish and the productive prosper.
Embracing seduction leads to sin, and “the wages of sin is death.”
Modern society is certainly blasé about adultery, but shame and stigma, ruin and regret are still part of the package.
Amassing information is not the same as being wise.
God believes in freedom of speech… but He also holds us accountable for what we say.
Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the LORD our maker!
Sadly, more often than not, man wants to brag about himself rather than brace himself.
A decision to agree with God is common sense; and to stop quarreling with God is the smart thing to do.
God makes everything, even evil, serve His purpose, and He brings eternal good out of temporal evil.
Leaders who demand respect often do not receive it. But you can respect a leader who leads by example,
Men and women inspired with a cause that transcends purely personal preference endure more and are satisfied with less!
We should be ready to confess our sins, confident that God will hear and forgive.
The “good life” offers champagne in the evening but says nothing about real pain in the morning.
Evil has many faces, but only one goal—to thwart the purposes of God.
God made youth and old age for a reason—they need each other! So let’s thank Him for youth and praise Him for old age.
Those who read Scripture will be called to make some changes, some of which will be uncomfortable.
For there to be reversal in the community, there must be revival in the church.
Smart people know how smart they aren’t.
Blessed is the man who watches his children carefully and pursues God’s path for them wholeheartedly.
The face is controlled by a mass of muscles. It can be contorted in 1,000 different ways, but smiles are what we long to see!
“This is no time to go wobbly, George.” That was the message Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of the United Kingdom…
At times life gets hairy and scary. How a person behaves at such times speaks volumes about what they believe.
When you say, “I’ve had enough!” you’ll be ready to learn that God is enough.
Wealth, power, and longevity have their attractions for people in all ages, but the smart ones ask God for wisdom to live as they should.
Last words carry extraordinary weight because they are memorable, and they often pack an extra punch.
Even the strongest man becomes a weakling if he ignores prudent precautions and begins to play with temptation.
God disciplines His erring children. But even His discipline stems from His brokenhearted love.
The Lord’s credentials are impeccable. He is eager to be consulted, and He offers His insights free of charge!
We serve a Lord who distinguished Himself by the way he helped a helpless race in deep trouble.
The enemies of our soul are to be countered with the five smooth stones of Scripture, prayer, fellowship, worship, and discipline.