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When artists portray Justice, she stands tall and blindfolded, with a pair of scales in one hand and a drawn sword in the other.
Knowing what God is doing through the trials helps God’s people not to miss a step!
“Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?”
The right word spoken in the right way at the right time is a gift to be treasured.
If you learn to look, you’ll look and learn—and you’ll pass on to others the valuable lessons you’ve gleaned.
God promises that He can give a man the power to do what is right even when his natural inclination is wrong.
No one—rich or poor—is either unloved or insignificant in the Lord’s eyes.
Pursue happiness, and you may or may not find it. Pursue godliness, and you will find much, much more!
Rather than taking sight and hearing for granted, these faculties should be understood as great gifts from God.
Words can be weapons to wound, medicine to heal, a messenger to convey good news, or an instrument to play a happy tune.
To be “in the Lord” kept in His love, guarded by His grace, comforted with His compassion, convinced of His faithfulness, and secure in His hand.
Enemies of the cross see no need for forgiveness, and they resent those who suggest they do!
Paul had a religious heritage that would impress anyone… and he disavowed it all!
Even a casual glance at Paul’s letters reveals his deep indebtedness to his supporting cast.
Let your lives shine” is not a suggestion—it’s an order!
The godly believe that truth is precious and that people are important.
“Teach the wise, and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.”
In the human heart there is a thirst for approval, a longing for belonging, a hunger for acceptance.
The aim of the godly person is to “walk in righteousness, in paths of justice.”
The need to make choices never ends; there’s always a crossroads around the corner.
There are troublemakers in all walks of life—in the office, at the church, in Congress, and on professional sports teams….
We are prone, like children, to allow our attention to wander.
Take a knee and thank the Lord!
In order to be spiritually healthy, believers must take their place in the community of the fellow redeemed.
God has a plan, born before the world began, centered in Christ and His church.
In Rome, Paul was in deep trouble—but it did not bother him at all…
The only way to deal with sin is by the death of Christ on the cross…
Salvation will not happen for man because of his efforts but because of God’s intervention.
Graciously, Scripture speaks of heaven in a way that should not be left to speculation.
It is good to proclaim the Lord’s unfailing love in the morning, His faithfulness in the evening.
The one who follows Christ is called to be “a light to guide.”
When the Lord becomes a present reality in a believer’s life, the heart begins to glow with His passion.
The Lord intended that His people should “declare [his] glory to the nations…”
Every converted life is a pulpit from which the Lord proclaims, “I am here!”
To avoid an old age of regret, learn to regret and repent early.
“This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you…”
It’s important to learn the serious deficiencies of the fun life, and discover the joy of the forgiven life.
Congruence is required between symbols and reality. The alternative is hypocrisy.
Predictions of the end of the world have come and gone, only to be proved inaccurate time and again…
If we are to avoid the abuse of God’s grace, we must accept the disciplines of discipleship.
Christ is a cause worth living for, and one worth dying for.
John testified without hesitation that Jesus was the long-promised Christ.
Yes, Jesus is the perfect leader. Follow Him!
Silence and solitude are great blessings to the overwrought human soul.
At the end of days, Jesus will be the one sitting on the throne; He will be the focus of attention.
Fathers are called to be significantly involved in the lives of their children.
Parents should never underestimate the importance of their obedience to the Lord in the development of their children.
The Lord takes notice of the “lowly,” and it is the “hungry” who are satisfied with good things.
There’s a major difference between believing in a hunch and believing in God’s Word.
Theologians use a trio of similarly difficult but noble words to describe God…