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Great people are not driven to compete and compare. Great people are more inclined to reach out to the lowly than to be grasping for the top.
God is willing to use imperfect people to further His ends—so long as they acknowledge their dependence on Him.
In some instances, a failed ministry leader can be reinstated—but not quickly. It takes time.
The words of Dr. Peter Kuzmic, the gifted Christian leader in the former Yugoslavia, should be heeded. “Charisma without character equals chaos.”
Parents can’t manufacture dedicated servants of the Lord. But they can help their children grow in that direction!
There’s only one sure way to handle the lust for power, and Gideon said it: “The Lord will rule over you!”
It’s the broken pots that let the light inside them shine. Intact ones simply sit in their own darkness.
Faith takes the long view, and God’s shadow is a long shadow.
As hearers cling to the truth of faithful preaching, huge harvests of blessing abound in their hearts.
Expressing Christ means to think logically about Jesus and His grace and let their reciprocal love show.
Even though John the Baptist wasn’t perfect and had his doubts, Jesus thought he was the greatest!
Miracles serve God’s purposes in His time, and to believe that is indicative of a heart that is reverent and worshipful.
God looks for a person whose heart is right before him, regardless of race, class, or even one’s past!
What happens when the long-term believer living joylessly meets a young believer living in the joy of salvation?
It is beyond reason to pass on an invitation to open your heart to the living God who loves you.
Sometimes the heady atmosphere of continual victory contributes to the factors that lead to eventual defeat.
If God is who He says He is and can be trusted to do what He promises, then He is worthy of our loving, trusting obedience.
In the warm heart of God, though, individuals are never expendable. Each of us is of infinite worth to Him.
Good parents thank God for divinely-ordained memorials, and they pass on the memories to their children.
Each generation needs to learn the lessons of history—the story of God’s dealing with His people through the ages.
Self-absorption should be seen as immaturity run rampant. Caring for and loving others sacrificially is the only way to grow.
The Lord can be trusted to respond positively to those whose hearts in tune with Him.
Responding to Christ’s call—and receiving His Spirit—believers are endowed with both power and authority.
It’s possible that telling the truth will cause rifts—even among friends.
Jesus overcame temptation by the Holy Spirit’s power and deft use of Scriptures. By God’s grace, we can too!
True repentance means learning to hate the sin you once loved, and starting to love the people you once despised.
Imperfect parents never raise perfect kids. But mature parents give their children monumental advantages.
We need more seasoned, bold people who speak truth with love in the Spirit out of their rich experience.
A visit to God’s sanctuary can get you back on track—stronger and settled, calm and collected, contented and confident.
God graciously heals both body and soul in response to faith and obedience—in the context of His eternal plan.
We can choose our friends, even if we do not have a similar freedom of choice with our relatives.
People who speak rashly and react impulsively run the risk of missing out on God’s best!
Rightly understood and appropriately applied, authority is divinely delegated for man’s good.
The children of Israel dodged a bullet when Korah and his followers challenged the leadership of Moses and Aaron.
Ultimate authority resides with the Lord. So embrace what He grants you and avoid grasping for what isn’t yours!
“The Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love.”
When faith meets suffering, heroes hold on and triumph in the power of the Spirit.
It’s the people who have been made right with God who are Christ’s letters—ready to be read by others.
In saying yes to Christ, the believer is also saying no to the sins for which Christ died.
Street smarts don’t work in the Ivy League, and classical thought is useless on city streets. But the secret wisdom of God…
The church is special because she is comprised of ordinary people who have been granted gifts by the Holy Spirit.
Church life is neither mundane nor routine. It’s God’s work, and we are what He’s building!
It has been said that the Christian faith is never more than one generation away from extinction.
When a person rightly understands who God is, he will be awestruck by the discovery.
Despite all the world’s turmoil, the church will survive and triumph—glorious and global.
The divine assurance of a new world helps us hope in the midst of death, sorrow, crying, and pain.
Jesus rides an awesome white horse, but for the humbly repentant He will graciously dismount.
God’s people have prayed for centuries, “May your kingdom come soon.” And it will.
Many things have changed in the history of the church, but none more than musical styles in worship.
“The one whom all nations will obey” pointed far beyond David to his most famous descendant, the Lord Jesus Christ.