The Characteristics of a Follower

Stuart Briscoe

The Characteristics of a Follower
  • The Characteristics of a Follower

He was full of himself, and always the first to talk. He was also passionate, loyal, and hungry to learn. He wasn’t perfect—far from it. In other words, Simon Peter was just like us. It was only when he abandoned his old life to follow Jesus that he began to be transformed. Jesus makes the same offer to us: Leave your old life and follow Me! You may be telling yourself that Jesus can’t love you because you aren’t good enough, don’t know the Bible well enough, or don’t have a spotless past. Look at Peter! You are exactly the kind of person Jesus loves. 

Stuart gives a wonderful “before and after” illustration of how God can transform you when you bravely step out of your comfort zone.

The Characteristics of a Follower
  • The Characteristics of a Follower
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