Clothed with Power

Stuart Briscoe

Clothed with Power
  • Clothed with Power

Before the day of Pentecost, the disciples were in the middle of a faith crisis. They were broken after seeing Jesus crucified—they lost their purpose.

But part of God’s divine plan was for the Holy Spirit to come and empower the disciples to go out into the world and launch the Great Commission.

What was this day like for the disciples and what does it mean for us?

We know it was spectacular and it forever changed the disciples. Peter, who couldn’t even speak about Jesus to a servant girl one month earlier, was now emboldened to speak with authority to 3,000 listeners who came to believe in Christ.

In this message, Stuart talks about how the day of Pentecost marks a crucial turning point for the disciples as they came to truly believe what they believed.

Scripture: Acts 2:1-2:41

Clothed with Power
  • Clothed with Power
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