A black belt in martial arts is an impressive accomplishment that requires time and discipline. No one earns a black belt by reading about it—you have to do it! So why do we think we can live godly lives simply by reading what we are supposed to do? It requires practice in the “spiritual” arts to live holy lives. Who better to learn from than the apostle Paul who talked the talk, walked the walk, and practiced what he preached even when it led him to a jail cell.
In this rich series, Jill teaches about the spiritual arts that Paul displayed in Philippians—humility, contentment, tranquility, and simplicity. Clearly, many of these characteristics are lacking in our world today… all the more reason for you to learn what they are, practice them, and make a positive impact on your family, neighborhood, and workplace!
Similar teaching on Philippians is also available in Jill’s book Spiritual Arts.