Secrets of the Heart

If the code in a computer program is wrong, your data will be wrong. If contaminants get into the source of your water, the entire supply will be contaminated. And, if your heart isn’t right, it will affect every word, action, and decision you make.

Although we tend to judge others by their outward looks, career, or social status, the Bible says that God looks at the heart. For good reason – it is the place where everything begins. So, be honest. What does God see when He looks into your heart? Is it bitter, fearful, contrite, or longing for something you can’t seem to find?

Stuart takes a look at what the Bible says about the heart in this 12-message teaching series, based on references in the book of Psalms, a collection of authentic conversations with God. Whether you’re in a time of joy or pain, you will find hope, wisdom, and a fresh understanding of God’s character in Stuart’s teaching.

To all in the world—and even many in the church—joy and godliness seem like separate pursuits. Joy is seen as circumstantial happiness, and godliness is seen as rigid rules of self-denial. But that supposes a low view of joy and an even lower view of godliness!

In this message, Stuart heralds the heights of true joy and godliness—the deep and abiding blessing at home in the heart of those like God, devoted to love and steadfast faithfulness.

Scripture: Psalm 4

The Psalmist had been experiencing extreme difficulties for a long time. His emotional and spiritual resources were running low. He expressed his concerns to the LORD, but his faith held fast. And he learned from his times of trouble.

Scripture: Psalm 13

Heart attitudes that attempt to resist or negate God are at the root of behavioral problems that beset human existence. God reaches the hearts of His creatures and calls these attitudes “folly.” But there is salvation for such people and the believer’s concern is to see the good news spreading to those most in need of it.

Scripture: Psalm 14

The Psalmist openly admits that in his heart he is experiencing “intense inner turmoil.” He is feeling lonely, pressured and concerned. So he turns his thoughts to the Lord, refreshing his mind and laying his concerns out in prayer.

Scripture: Psalm 25

Fear is not only a human response we all share as human beings, but an essential one that needs recognizing, accepting, and managing. Effectively managed fear ceases to control our actions. But if unacknowledged, fear takes control, and we find ourselves caught up in varying degrees of destructive behavior.

Scripture: Psalm 27

Deep in the human heart lie longings and aspirations. Some of them are fulfilled; others never come to fruition. The circumstances of life for some are so full of problems and disappointments that the heart may become discouraged and sometimes embittered. This Psalm speaks to the issues of the longing heart.

Scripture: Psalm 37

The circumstances of life are so often outside our control that we do not know how to cope. This can lead to anxiety, resentment and anger. If we do not handle these heartfelt feelings well we may suffer the worst kind of heartburn!

Scripture: Psalm 39

David carried a deep dark secret in his heart which until it was confronted and confessed caused deep inner turmoil (see Ps. 32). When he finally dealt with it he experienced spiritual restoration and renewal. How, exactly, this came about is outlined in this Psalm for our benefit.

Scripture: Psalm 32, Psalm 51

We tend to think of the heart as the seat of the emotions. The Bible sees it as the center of being – the part of a person that discerns, desires and decides. A steadfast heart makes “settled, fixed, loyal” decisions about the Lord. But how?

Scripture: Psalm 57

There are two inescapable realities – death and evil. That’s why we have Court TV and Dr. Kevorkian, cemeteries and police, health care reform and crime bills. Moses, the man of God, said in this Psalm that if we are to address these realities – and we must – we need to ask the Lord for “a heart of wisdom.”

Scripture: Psalm 90

Stuart takes a look at what the Bible says about the heart in this 12-message series, based on references in the book of Psalms, a collection of authentic conversations with God. Whether you’re in a time of joy or pain, you will find hope, wisdom, and a fresh understanding of God’s character in Stuart’s teaching.

Scripture: Psalm 119:1-119:16

Albert Einstein wrote: “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe – a spirit…in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.” But do we? Can we honestly say, “My heart is not proud, O LORD”?

Scripture: Psalm 131

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Discover how God can heal any relationship!

In Stuart and Jill Briscoe’s teaching series Healing Broken Relationships, you’ll learn how to overcome conflict, bridge divides, and embrace reconciliation in your relationships through God’s grace.

This series is our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. And as a special bonus, you’ll also receive Jill’s frameable poem, “Bruised But Never Broken”—a beautiful reminder of God’s power to restore and sustain you. Request your resources when you give today!

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