Some of the most well-known Bible characters had bad days—just as we do. No matter what your struggle may be today—depression, low self-esteem, bitterness, disappointment, anger, jealousy, weariness, even a lost will to live—there is a person in the Bible who felt those exact same feelings. In fact, it is for that very reason that God included them in His Word. They can speak into your situation today and offer powerful proof that the Lord can meet you in your deepest need.
In this series, Jill Briscoe brings six Bible figures to life during their darkest moments. Do you see yourself in their stories of despair, frustration, and hurt? Then, take heart… Jill’s thoughtful and practical messages will give you fresh hope that God can—and will—fill your empty places if you let Him.
For further study, see Jill’s book of the same name, Running on Empty.