How to Be Up When You're Down

Have you been wounded and find it hard get back up to fight another day?

Few of us can imagine the fear and the exhaustion of a soldier’s life, living in a war zone day after day. Yet, we live in a war zone of our own… a spiritual battle between good and evil.

In Jill’s series, she gives you practical teaching on how to stay strong and courageous in the midst of the spiritual battle being waged around you by following the example of Joshua.

  • Preparing for the battle: Knowing the enemy’s tactics, but also knowing the war has already been won by God!
  • Keeping your faith burning: How living and learning Scripture can keep your faith vibrant on any battlefield
  • Being courageous when frightened: Why being obedient even when frightened brings victory
  • Winning the worry war: Trusting God with tomorrow

There is a war going on right now inside each one of us. It's the battle between good and evil, and it's been going on since the beginning of time. But what does that mean for us?

In this message by Jill, she teaches us what the war is about, what role we play, and how we can guard ourselves against the evil one.

Scripture: Joshua 1:1-1:9

Do you ever feel like you've lost your fire for God? Maybe you find yourself just "doing" your walk with Christ instead of having passion and drive to dig deeper. When we lose the fire, the rest of our faith suffers.

In this message, Jill teaches us how we can reignite the fire to seek a more intimate relationship with God.

Scripture: Joshua 1

We all can remember a time in our lives when we felt inadequate for something—parenting, a new job, or an unexpected life event. It's during these times that we can't help but think, "I can't do this."

In this message, Jill teaches us how we can follow God's will for our lives by not only saying, "I can," but also saying, "I will." 

Jill tells the story about Stuart, at the age of 17, being asked to teach about the Church at Ephesus.

Scripture: Joshua 1

Life is full of many battles—big and small. An unexpected death, a bad relationship, or a rebellious teenager can lead to emotional battles that cause us pain and despair. It can be tough to understand how we'll get through it.

In this message, Jill explores the life of Joshua and shows us how God helps us fight and win our battles.

Scripture: Joshua 5:13-5:15

Jill Briscoe will freely admit that even as a Christian, she struggles with worry—and she's not alone. Battling against worry and reclaiming the energy and abundant life that worry steals from us is a daily battle for so many people. Are you ready to learn how to rule worrisome situations and not be ruled by them?

In this message, Jill shares the turning point in her life when she finally felt the worry war pivot in her favor—and it had a lot to do with studying the story of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.

Scripture: Joshua 1:6-1:11, Joshua 1:6-1:11

Have you ever noticed how kids try to hide things they've done wrong—a broken family heirloom, a bad report card, or a dent in the car? As much as he or she tries to hide the mistake, most often the parents find out. The same is true of our sin. As much as we try to bury our sin, God always knows about it. But how do we confront it?

In this message by Jill, she teaches us what to do with sin so that we can make God the true ruler of our lives.

Scripture: Joshua 6

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We want to help you grasp God’s powerful design for prayer—so you can start praying in a whole new way—by sending you Jill’s book, Prayer That Works.

Prayer That Works is our thanks for your gift to reach more people throughout the year ahead with the Briscoes’ timeless and encouraging teaching and resources. So request your copy when you give—and thank you for your partnership in helping people around the world experience abundant Life and freedom in Jesus Christ.

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