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Heroes of the Faith

Stuart Briscoe

What does it take to be a good leader? Is it strength, intellect, experience, or maybe bravery? The world seems to have a fairly set standard in mind for what makes a good leader, a standard that few of us might feel we measure up to in the eyes of other people.

But how do we measure up in the eyes of God? When we look to the pages of the Bible we see an array of impactful leaders whom God used to achieve His divine ends. And guess what? Many of them were ordinary people—just like you—used for extraordinary purposes.

In this series, Stuart Briscoe uses the lives of Gideon, Matthew, Peter, and Barnabas to illustrate what Scripture teaches about effective heroes of the faith. You’ll discover how God works through all types of people to raise up leaders and people of influence to carry out His divine purposes.

Messages From This Series:

Gideon was once a fearful and hopeless man who openly questioned God during a difficult period. So he seemed to be quite an unlikely candidate when the Angel of the Lord came to him with an incredibly important mandate. 

In this message, Stuart Briscoe uses the story of Gideon to dispel any preconceived standards we might hold about whom God calls, and asks the question: Is He calling you?

Scripture: Judges 6:1-7:25

"Follow me." It's a simple command but has profound implications. Jesus used these words to call His disciples—all men of various backgrounds and professions. Even Matthew—a despised, hated, and isolated tax collector—was called by Jesus without hesitation. 

To this very day, Jesus is still calling men and women of all backgrounds, personalities, and abilities to follow Him. What does following Christ look like in today's world? Stuart Briscoe takes us to the story of Matthew for answers. 

Scripture: Matthew 9:9-9:13

When storms come tearing through your life, is your faith strong enough to withstand the pressure? Is your commitment to Christ deep enough so you can keep going? Peter faced obstacles where he failed miserably—but Jesus had a plan in mind for Peter's redemption even before he failed! 

Do you believe you're redeemable and God wants to use you to make a difference in the darkness? In this message, Stuart Briscoe shares how, in spite of our worst moments, God stands ready to use us to achieve His divine ends. 

Scripture: Matthew 14:1-14:36

Are you more concerned with what others think of you than you are with doing what is right? Barnabas was a man of incredible character who was far more concerned with Christ's agenda than he was with the world's agenda. 

But before you put him on a biblical pedestal, recognize that you've been given the same power that motivated and activated Barnabas—the indwelling Holy Spirit. In this message, Stuart Briscoe shares how we can learn to commit wholeheartedly to the Truth and live daily in the fullness of the Spirit.

Scripture: Acts 11:19-11:30

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