Growth of a Soul

Have you placed self-imposed limits on your growth, and already decided what you’re capable of accomplishing? Or do you willingly accept the person God is making you to be?

That’s what Stuart Briscoe talks about in Growth of a Soul. Because you are created in the image of God, you have an immense potential for good. But only if you accept the divine appointment God has for you, and allow Him to unwrap your life.

Stuart points to the life of the apostle Peter as someone who eagerly cooperated with God and reached his God-given potential. When Jesus first met Peter, He said to Him, “You are Simon, you will be Peter.” Indeed, through surrendering his life to Jesus, Peter was transformed from a fisherman into “Peter the Rock,” on whom Christ built His church.

What will your redemptive name be if you cooperate with God and release your life to Him? This series can help you let go and realize your God-given potential.

God is clearly concerned about a world full of people, but He deals with them one at a time. His intent is to develop their divinely ordained potential. The record of Simon Peter’s experience offers rich insights into what is involved in “the growth of a soul.”

Scripture: John 1:35-1:42, Luke 5:1-5:11

Jesus not only recognized the potential in the Galilean fisherman called Simon, He also extended to him an invitation that when accepted opened the door to a highly significant experience of life.

Scripture: Mark 3:7-3:19

Regular check-ups are a great idea. Most people agree in principle but don’t always get around to having them. Jesus made sure that Peter had regular reality checks.

Scripture: Matthew 14:13-14:36, John 6:25-6:29

As we progress in our spiritual pilgrimage, we discover things about ourselves and aspects of discipleship that are as disconcerting as they are challenging. But rightly responded to, these discoveries lead to the healthy growth of our souls.

Scripture: Mark 8:27-8:38

Peter, James, and John had a mountaintop experience when they were “eyewitnesses” of Christ’s transfiguration. It affected them deeply, but they still had to meet trouble in the valley. We all have our mountaintops and valleys.

Scripture: Matthew 17:1-17:23

Knowing Peter as He did, Jesus predicted that under pressure he would disown the Lord. Peter insisted he knew better, but when the heat was on he failed miserably. But Peter was forgiven and restored. His failure was not final.

Scripture: John 21:1-21:25

When Peter was “clothed with power from on high” he was given the ability to be a witness to Jesus Christ. We can learn from what he said and what happened and apply the lessons to ourselves. For we too, are His witnesses.

Scripture: Acts 2:22-2:41

After Pentecost Peter might have assumed that he had “arrived” spiritually. But he discovered that the growth of a soul is not complete this side of eternity. Like Peter, we too need to embrace the opportunities for growth that life affords.

Scripture: Acts 10:1-10:48

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Discover how God can heal any relationship!

In Stuart and Jill Briscoe’s teaching series Healing Broken Relationships, you’ll learn how to overcome conflict, bridge divides, and embrace reconciliation in your relationships through God’s grace.

This series is our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. And as a special bonus, you’ll also receive Jill’s frameable poem, “Bruised But Never Broken”—a beautiful reminder of God’s power to restore and sustain you. Request your resources when you give today!

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