Coping with Christmas

Is Christmas full of chaos or full of joy? Does Jesus’ birth amaze you or get lost in the wrappings? Take a fresh look at the miraculous story of our Savior’s birth from the lens of people who were there and ask yourself these questions:

  • Mary’s Christmas: Do you trust God even when you don’t understand?
  • Zechariah’s Christmas: Do you truly believe in Him or just look like you do?
  • The Shepherds’ Christmas: When God calls, do you respond?
  • Simeon’s Christmas: Are you trying to please God, others, or yourself?
  • The Word’s Christmas: Do you believe the Word became flesh for you?
  • The Wise Men’s Christmas: Do you seek Him wholeheartedly?

In this series, Stuart Briscoe focuses on how these people responded to God when faced with the unexplainable and how we can apply their responses to the way we celebrate Christmas today.

Do you trust God even when you don’t understand? Mary was little more than a kid when God sent an angel to tell her that she would, as a fourteen-year-old, unmarried virgin, give birth to Jesus. Despite all the complications this would cause in her life, the criticism she would face, and the complaints she could have made, Mary’s attitude was a humble, submissive, servant attitude full of faith and worship. 

How many of us could respond as she did in a similar situation? In this message, Stuart Briscoe leads us through Mary’s experience and her response to such incredible news.

Scripture: Luke 1:26-1:56

Do you truly believe in Him or just look like you do? As a priest, Zechariah was very good at going through the religious motions—performing the right ritual at the right time. So when an angel came and told him that his prayers were being answered and he and his elderly wife would have a son, his response was one of questioning disbelief. When given an incredible answer to prayer, Zechariah had to decide if he really believed what he claimed to believe. 

In this message, Stuart Briscoe helps us understand what motivated Zechariah’s actions and encourages us to turn the struggle to believe into a song of praise.

Scripture: Luke 1:5-1:25

When God calls, do you respond? Imagine how the shepherds felt that night. Shepherds were considered untrustworthy nomads, living in the fields. On that night, these ostracized, low-life people were among the first to receive the news of Jesus’ birth! And when they were suddenly surrounded by the glory of God, they responded with whole-hearted belief and spread the good news. 

In this message, Stuart Briscoe gives us the historical setting for the night of Jesus’ birth and challenges us to look at the shepherds as examples of how to respond to the glory of God in our own lives.

Scripture: Luke 2:8-2:20

Are you trying to please God, others, or yourself? When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple to meet the ceremonial requirements of circumcision and purification, they met two fascinating characters, Simeon and Anna, who added considerably to their understanding of the significance of the baby. Simeon and Anna lived lives oriented and devoted to God alone, and as a result were led by the Holy Spirit to be in the right place at the right time to meet the baby Jesus. 

In this message, Stuart Briscoe introduces us to Simeon and Anna and encourages us to view them as examples of how to orient our lives regardless of our age.

Scripture: Luke 2:21-2:40

Do you believe the Word became flesh for you? The gospel of John begins with some intriguing words: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." After all, this is what Christmas is all about—Jesus, the Word, coming to our world as a baby and offering Himself as Savior and Lord. But what does that mean, and what does it mean for us to really believe it? 

In this message, Jill Briscoe reads from the gospel of Luke while sharing some of her poetry, and Stuart helps us appreciate the magnitude of what actually happened that first Christmas.

Do you seek Jesus wholeheartedly? The Wise Men were from the East, philosophers and astrologers in the employ of kings. Yet something in their study of the stars convinced them to travel far to seek the baby Jesus to worship as King of the Jews. 

In this message, Stuart Briscoe helps us understand what may have motivated these men to embark on their search and challenges us to use them as inspiration not only for ourselves but in how we interact with the seekers of Jesus in our own lives.

Scripture: Matthew 2

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Discover how God can heal any relationship!

In Stuart and Jill Briscoe’s teaching series Healing Broken Relationships, you’ll learn how to overcome conflict, bridge divides, and embrace reconciliation in your relationships through God’s grace.

This series is our thanks for your gift to help more people experience Life in Christ. And as a special bonus, you’ll also receive Jill’s frameable poem, “Bruised But Never Broken”—a beautiful reminder of God’s power to restore and sustain you. Request your resources when you give today!

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