Christianity Q&A

Where do you find answers when confronted with complex questions about controversial topics? When you’re a believer, the natural source should be the Bible, but many of us are still unsure what it says about certain issues like divorce, forgiveness, eternal security, homosexuality, and others. With so many mixed messages and half-truths out there on these hotly debated topics, it’s important we know what God says about them.

In Christianity Q&A, Stuart addresses 12 commonly asked questions that challenge believers. He goes through each issue expositionally, so you will have a clear perspective of what God says on each subject.

Ever since Jimmy Carter announced that he was running for President and that he had been "born again," the term has been in vogue. It has also been misused, abused, and generally depreciated. The question we need to ask is, "Is the new birth an important aspect of spiritual experience?"

Scripture: John 3:1-3:21

The name "Christian" was given to some of Christ’s disciples as an uncomplimentary nickname, but in time it became a recognized designation of those who followed Christ. In more recent times the meaning of the term has become confused; a look at its origins should help.

Scripture: Acts 11:19-11:26

"Disciple" is not a commonly used word in ordinary conversations, but it should be a highly respected word in Christian thought because, among other things, our Lord’s final instructions included the command to make disciples. What did He mean?

Scripture: Luke 5:1-5:11

Apparently Peter was frustrated when he asked Jesus, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother?" Forgiveness is an integral part of Christian experience; so Peter was right to ask for help. Many of us need help with forgiveness, too.

Scripture: Matthew 18:21-18:35

"Eternal security" is not a biblical term, neither is "once saved always saved," but both are used quite commonly among Christians. They relate to the question as to whether Christians will always remain true to the Lord as long as they live, or whether some may fall away.

Scripture: John 10:27-10:30

It is often said that "Marriages are made in heaven," but it must be admitted that many are lived elsewhere. The modern solution to marital difficulty is either to bypass marriage entirely or divorce. But is this the way to go?

Scripture: Matthew 19:1-19:12

Dr. Gary Collins says, "There probably is no other word in the English language which is so symbolic of controversy and which so quickly triggers emotional reactions." Our task is to think biblically about the subject and deal Christianly with those who are involved.

Scripture: Romans 1:18-1:32

Marriages become shaky for a number of reasons, and there are numerous helpful ways of handling the problems. But there is one ingredient which all marriages need—"agape" love. What it is and how it is experienced should top every marital agenda.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13:13

Ivan Boesky told the graduating class at Berkeley, "I think greed is healthy. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself." Not many people would openly agree with him, but we all have to struggle with our attitudes to material things.

Scripture: Matthew 6:19-6:34

In recent years there has been a tendency to talk about the, "quality of life" rather than the "sanctity of life." Without in any way suggesting that quality of life is without importance, we need to understand the change of emphasis and where it might lead.

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-1:28

The German theologian, Helmut Thielecke said, "Americans have an inadequate view of suffering." Whether or not he was right, there is no shortage of suffering in America. We need to ensure our view of it is "adequate."

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-1:9

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