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Lean hard into Him!

Do you ever feel like you’ve reached the end of yourself? Life’s been too tough for too long, and you’re done. You’re wrung out, you’ve run dry, and there’s nothing left.

Let me tell you about a time when I was in that place.

When Stuart and I were missionaries, I was a single parent most of the time. He was away for 10 months of the year, and I was home alone with the kids. After 10 years like that, I came to the end of myself. I was defeated, bitter, and resentful.

I had nowhere left to turn… except to God. Kneeling down by my bed, I told the Lord I’d had it! I was sick of being sick of life. As I poured out my heart, I found myself giving my husband over to Him.

When my own strength was completely gone, I had no choice but to lean hard into God. And He was able to bear the weight of my burdens… and then some!

Within weeks, I began to see God’s answer. I remember waking up one morning and the birds were singing once again in my heart!

If you’re in a hard place right now, you need to cling to the precious promise, that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28).

He may not change your circumstances, but He can change you in your circumstances! So lean hard into Him. There’s no better place for you to be!