Knowing is half the battle

From my experience in the armed forces of the United Kingdom, I know a soldier must be thoroughly aware of three things: who his enemy is, how to operate his equipment, and his personal area of responsibility.

Let’s quickly explore each of these areas through the lens of Ephesians 6 and discover how to stand firm against spiritual enemies.

Know your enemy

We glean much about our enemy from Ephesians 6:10–18. Satan is totally opposed to God’s purposes. And because the church is integral to those purposes, the devil completely opposes what God’s doing within you!

Know your equipment

In the Marines, it’s important to know how to dismantle, clean, and re-assemble your weapon in total darkness. Paul believes Christians handling the Word of God (Ephesians 6:11–13) should be just as competent. There’s great need for skilled believers who can wield the Bible to expose error and promulgate truth. The sooner we bury the Word in our hearts, the better!

Know your responsibility

Soldiers in battle should know what’s expected of them, and Paul expects believers to be strong (Ephesians 6:10). We only become strong through a strengthening process, however—by learning to leverage our true strength in God!

Today, we pray the Lord would strengthen you in each of these areas and continue helping you fight the evil one.

As a part of that encouragement, please don’t forget to request your copy of our 5-message series Fighting Unseen Forces. It’s our gift to say “thank you” for your generous support of Telling the Truth.

We are so grateful for you!

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