“I just don’t want to spend time in prayer.” People tell me that all the time. Often, they’re ashamed to admit it, but prayer is hard for them.
I usually reply, “Who do you love? Tell me just one person.” And they tell me. Then I ask, “Do you want to spend time with that person?”
“Yes, of course!” they say.
“Why?” I ask.
“Because they love me, and I love them.”
Well, when you love someone, aren’t there special times when just the two of you are together? And then you discover that the more you get together, the more you love that person.
When you pray, if you keep looking at your watch and thinking, Good, that prayer session is over. Now I can get on with my life, then stop and think about God’s love for you. Think about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for your sin and allow your heart to swell with thankfulness, love, and gratitude.
There’s a story in Luke about a prostitute coming to Jesus, uninvited, to wash His feet and anoint them with her tears.
The Pharisees thought, Well, if Jesus knew who she was, He wouldn’t allow her to touch Him. But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She loves Me.”
She took a risk entering that house, but all that mattered to her was that she loved Jesus and wanted to be with Him. She knew how much He’d forgiven her, and she wanted to thank Him and spend time with Him. Jesus said…
“Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” (Luke 7:47)
The truth is your prayer life develops as your love for God grows!
So when you pray, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you what it cost God to forgive you. Express your love as the Holy Spirit gently leads you into His holy presence for a special time together.
—Jill Briscoe
Request Jill’s book Prayer That Works to learn more about this beautiful love story of talking with God.