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Fix Your Eyes on Jesus!

If there’s one lesson I’ve learned from Stuart and Jill’s teaching and example over the years it’s this: In the Christian life, it’s absolutely essential to keep looking to Jesus.

Like me, I’m sure you know what it’s like to feel discouraged and weary in the race of faith. When life’s trials pile up and the pressure is on, it’s easy to lose sight of the One who anchors your hope.

In one of his sermons from the book of Hebrews, Stuart put it this way:

“You can grow weary, and if you’re not careful, you can get discouraged. Sometimes in your ‘gloom moments’ you feel like quitting. So the big question is, how do you keep the faith?

“You keep the faith by keeping your focus on Jesus… That’s how you avoid growing weary. That’s how you avoid losing hope.”

I pray your eyes will be fixed firmly on our wonderful Savior in the days ahead so that you can keep on keeping on in Christ, come what may! 

And I’m so thankful for friends like you who bring that same blessing to others through your partnership and prayers—as together we share God’s powerful Word far and wide through Telling The Truth!