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What Did Jesus Say About Life? Part 1

What Did Jesus Say About Life? Part 1
  • What Did Jesus Say About Life? Part 1

Stuart Briscoe

Many of us hear the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan, and we take from it that we should help people who need help, even when we don’t stand to gain anything. But is that really what Jesus was saying?

The context for the parable was a conversation between Jesus and a teacher of the law who wanted to know what he needed to do to “inherit eternal life.” Jesus’ response—to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength and love your neighbor as yourself—is a tall order!

In this message, Stuart Briscoe explains what Jesus really meant in His conversation with the teacher of the law and helps us find encouragement in Jesus’ gift of salvation.

Scripture: Luke 10:25-10:37

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