A powerful one-two punch

In spiritual warfare, as in any battle, a clear understanding of where the battle lines are drawn and the strength of your weaponry is critical. Victory depends on it!

C.S. Lewis wrote, “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve their existence. The other is to believe and feel an unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors.”

Ignoring the existence of evil spiritual forces leaves us vulnerable to attacks we won’t even recognize. Yet, when we’re so conscious of destructive spiritual activity that we see it behind every struggle, we risk denying personal responsibility and learning from our own mistakes. Both errors can be deadly.

That’s why constant communication with our King and intimate knowledge of His Word are so vital.

Prayer is communication that connects you to the King during spiritual conflict—it allows you to seek orders, ask for wisdom, request reinforcements, and share your concerns with God when the battle rages around you. It is your lifeline.

Likewise, to know God’s Word is to know your weaponry. Ephesians 6:17 calls God’s Word a sword—both an offensive and defensive weapon. Christians are helpless in battle without planting God’s Word in their hearts. With the sword of Scripture, you’ll be equipped with the best of all battle tactics—and you’ll never forget who ultimately wins the victory.

Yes, prayer and the power of God’s Word—that is the first step toward victory!

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