Blessed Are the Meek

Jill Briscoe

Blessed Are the Meek
  • Blessed Are the Meek

Every year the news shows shocking scenes of houses washed away in mudslides, hurricanes, or floods. No matter how grand or beautiful the homes might have been, they end up in rubble when strong storms hit because they weren't built on solid ground. Life is the same way. Storms like job losses, health problems, or broken relationships can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging—a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Jill explores the Beatitudes, a well-known teaching from Jesus that gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. This rich teaching gives you the tools to deepen your relationship with Christ as you study His compelling and challenging life lessons.

Scripture: Matthew 5:5

Blessed Are the Meek
  • Blessed Are the Meek
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