Teaching Series

What kind of spiritual gifts do you have? For many of us, it’s hard to know. But it’s easier than you think to discover the wonderful gifts God has given you. In this message, Jill explains how by just looking at our lives and our day to day activities we can discover how to use our talents for God’s will and purposes.

Scripture: Exodus 35, Exodus 36

Are you in a dead-end relationship? Disappointed because that “special person” doesn’t meet all of your needs? We hear about situations like these all the time.

It’s clear we’re created as relational beings, so why do we struggle so much with relationships? In this message Stuart Briscoe teaches about the ultimate relationship that brings both comfort and meaning to our lives.

Scripture: John 15:1-15:16

So what’s the purpose of an abundant life on earth? Why doesn’t Jesus just take us to heaven now, to enjoy life with Him there?

Jesus said, “I have other sheep which are not of this sheep pen, I must bring them also.” In this message, Stuart describes his last way for us to get a life, the purpose for our own abundant life—to bring the sheep who are outside our flock inside.

Scripture: John 10:14-10:18

Jesus is coming again. He is coming soon… and we’d better be ready! Jill Briscoe boldly states this as she talks about the second coming of Christ. She explains the need to be alert and shares the joy in anticipating His return.

Scripture: Matthew 25:1-25:13

In many of the remaining monarchies, the kings and queens are much beloved by their people, but they have very little real power. Sadly, many believers relate to Jesus the same way. They proclaim Jesus to be King of Kings and the Lord of their lives, but they make all the decisions! When we let Christ truly reign, amazing things happen.

Scripture: Isaiah 32

The heretical teachers were apparently extorting exorbitant amounts of money from the church using godliness as a means to financial gain. Paul repudiated their activities but used the opportunity to show the great gain of “godliness with contentment.”

Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:3-6:10

Some people see a world spinning hopelessly out of control, while others explore the universe looking for worlds for mankind to conquer. But both forget one thing. God has a plan—and we’re part of it! The epistle to the Ephesians explains.

Scripture: Ephesians 1:1-1:14

We all get tired sometimes. And sometimes in our tiredness we get to a point where we, like Elijah, say “I’ve had enough, Lord.” Where do we go once we’ve reached that point? How can we find refreshment and get moving again? In this message, Jill uses Elijah’s story to teach us that God alone can refresh us just as He did for Elijah.

Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-19:18

As disciples of Jesus, we know we’re called to spread the good news of the Gospel. But sometimes we fret about exactly where our mission field is, and to whom we’re meant to share God’s Word.

In this message, Jill Briscoe puts it bluntly: “It doesn’t matter where you’re standing, that’s your mission field.” She explains how God fills the gaps of our inadequacy as we obey his command to tell others about the liberating love of Jesus.

As part of her message, Jill tells the compelling story of how she and her husband, Stuart Briscoe, began their lifetimes of evangelism in the United States and around the world.

Scripture: Matthew 28:18-28:20

Everybody is growing old. Some are further along than others. But growing older does not necessarily mean growing wiser, more mature, or holier. It can mean becoming meaner, crabbier, and more selfish. We need to take care to grow old gracefully and gratefully!

Scripture: Genesis 48

A parable is defined as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. And the parable of the prodigal son found in Luke 15 may be one of the most famous parables in Scripture. The story of the prodigal son is about God losing something very precious and sending His son, Jesus, to get it back. This is God’s world, and He wants it back!

Scripture: Luke 15:11-15:32

Ever feel like something is missing, like you just don’t belong? You probably feel that way because it is true! God created us for Himself and put eternity in our hearts—we were not made for here. So how do we make the most of this life where “everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind” (as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes) in a world that is not our home?

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:11

Mark Twain said, "My life has been full of many problems, most of which never happened!" He presumably looked to the future with a degree of trepidation and spent a lot of time being anxious about things that actually never happened. Does that sound like something you do, too?

Another great author, the Apostle Paul, said that no matter what happens—don't be anxious about anything.

In this message, Stuart Briscoe looks to Scripture to identify the formula for becoming worry-free, no matter what circumstance we are facing—or think we'll have to face.

Scripture: Philippians 4:4-4:9

When trials and suffering come, where do we turn? We ought to turn to God—the God of all comfort. Suffering in this life is inevitable. David knew that. He wrote some of his psalms about it. But he wrote with the knowledge that God’s love brings comfort, encouragement, freshness, and life to those who seek Him.

In this message, Jill points us to the many resources for encouragement that God has given us: His Holy Spirit, His Word, and His people. God asks us to bring encouragement to those around us.

Scripture: Psalm 119:52

Daniel's great vision ended with him learning many astonishing things. He did not understand everything because the information concerned the near and distant future, but he was greatly encouraged. We, too, do not understand it all, but we can be encouraged.

Scripture: Daniel 12

Prayer is more than “a shopping list in the heavenly supermarket,” says Jill Briscoe. In this heartfelt message featuring examples from her own experiences in addition to those of Elijah, Jill explains that God wants us to talk with Him, and to ask for things we know He wants to have happen, too. In good times or bad, God loves it when we come to Him in prayer.

Scripture: 1 Kings 17-19, James 5:13-5:18

When faced with a crisis do you find yourself prepared knowing where to turn, or do you panic and simply react? As Jesus faced the reality of the cross, He instinctively turned to His Father in prayer. Is prayer your first line of defense in a crisis?

In this teaching, Stuart Briscoe looks to Jesus’ example to teach us about the comfort available to us through prayer.

Scripture: John 17:1-17:19

Having explained what God was doing in his life and wanted to do in the Ephesians lives, Paul turned to prayer. His concern was that they would discover and experience all that God had in mind for their spiritual growth and development. We need similar concerns today.

Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-3:21

While here on earth, Jesus himself sought communion with God through prayer. His disciples were to do likewise. He gave us a pattern to follow. For those who ask, seek, and knock, God is more than willing to answer. He is even more willing than friends or an earthly father, as Jesus explains through the parables. But the Christian’s prayer requests need to be in line with Jesus’ model prayer.

Scripture: Luke 11:1-11:28

Prayer is an essential part of the Christian life. Jesus made that clear throughout His ministry, as He both actively participated in it and frequently talked about it with His disciples.

But how exactly should we pray? And will God even answer?

In this message, Stuart Briscoe walks you through the Lord’s Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount to explain how to pray and what to pray. This message will give you the confidence you need to step into a vibrant life of prayer and intimacy with Jesus.

Scripture: Matthew 6:5-6:15

The Book of Esther never mentions God. Some even have questioned whether it should have been included in the Bible. But when you pull back the curtain and view the “coincidences” and reversals of fortune for the beautiful queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai, it becomes evident that God was working to preserve the people through whom He eventually would deliver a Savior.

In this message, Stuart Briscoe takes us through the many twists and turns of the Book of Esther. He shows us how our sovereign God quietly works in the background to accomplish what He wants done, and that He makes good on His promises even when situations seem dire from a human perspective. Above all, the story makes clear that God is committed to redeeming the world He loves.  

Scripture: Esther

What does it mean to be in union with Christ? In this message, guest speaker Charles Price looks at that question, and shows how embracing  our dependence on Christ—the way Jesus relied on God the Father—is the key to a liberated life. Thanking God, as Jesus did when He walked the earth, helps keep us connected to His life-changing power.

Scripture: John 14:10, John 15:4-15:5, Colossians 3:17

Just before Jesus ascended to heaven He had some final words for his disciples—words that were meant for us today, as well. He said to be faithful witnesses for Him in the world, promising that the Holy Spirit would provide the power needed to do so.

Scripture: Acts 1:8

While Jesus' death and resurrection illustrate what God has done for us, the Easter story also shows us how we can respond to this great gift. That response is found in the devotion of the women who followed Jesus through the crucifixion and then sought to honor Him at the tomb. In this message, Jill Briscoe describes the bravery of the women in Jesus' life—and the dignity He had ascribed to them as He taught us all how to live.

Scripture: Matthew 28:1-28:10, Luke 6, Luke 8

By the time he was in his 20s, Joseph had suffered enough discouragement to last a lifetime. He was mistreated by his brothers, unjustly condemned by his employer, and forgotten by his friend.

But he didn’t abandon his principles or his faith in God. How he coped is enlightening for all who are discouraged.

Scripture: Genesis 40

Are you discouraged by unfulfilled hopes or a dream that seemingly has died? You are not alone. Disappointment can drag us down and sometimes leave us feeling hopeless.

Don’t give up. God knows exactly when and how to intervene. His timing is perfect. Citing the story of Esther in the Bible, Jill shows us that if God has a mission for you, he will equip you for it. It’s okay to be scared as you take the first steps to accomplish the goal, trusting that God is alongside you.

Scripture: Esther

When trials and suffering come, where do we turn? We ought to turn to God—the God of all comfort. Suffering in this life is inevitable. David knew that. He wrote some of his psalms about it. But he wrote with the knowledge that God’s love brings comfort, encouragement, freshness, and life to those who seek Him.

In this message, Jill points us to the many resources for encouragement that God has given us: His Holy Spirit, His word, and His people. God asks us to bring encouragement to those around us.

Scripture: Psalm 119:52

Paul described his work among the Thessalonians as "encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God." But Paul and his colleagues also needed encouragement themselves. In fact, everyone could use encouragement!

So how do we encourage people who desperately need it, and how do we remain encouraged and hopeful in our own lives? Stuart, citing Scripture as always, shows us the way.

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-1:10

Haggai delivered a prophetic message to the despondent, dispirited, and distracted people, temporarily reviving their hopes. But discouragement set in less than a month after the returned exiles had been motivated and mobilized to embark on a Temple rebuilding project. Haggai was called again to deliver the "word of the Lord," this time with powerful words of encouragement.

God has projects for us, too, and by relying on His strength and the "power of his might," we can have inner assurance that He is with us as we move ahead.

Scripture: Haggai 2:1-2:9

Love is the greatest of all virtues. Twice in the first letter of John we have these three words: God is love.

Now God is not faith. God is not hope. Those are attributes of God, qualities that God may be the source of in our own life. But He actually is love. Love is His nature, and it defines His very being. Therefore, everything else that is true about God is permeated by love.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13:13

In practice, hope orients our lives around a better future. That is not to be escapist about the present but because there is a better future.  And whatever we are going through now, there is a better future ultimately that we are going to experience and enjoy.

In this message, Charles Price looks at the hope of heaven and what we know about it—the place, permanence, and perfection of heaven in the little revealed about it in Scripture.

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-1:5

Faith in Hebrews 11 is in a God who exists, who rewards those who seek him, and who brings things out of nothing. In Charles Price’s message we find examples of people in overwhelmingly difficult situations experiencing the sufficiency of God.

Scripture: Hebrews 11

The relationship of parents to their children is unique, but there are general principles that apply. Charles Price teaches on the nature of human parenting by examining the parenting of God as Father.

Scripture: Deuteronomy 4:9-4:10

The will of God is about His big plan, of which I may have a part. We find the personal will of God for our individual lives within the general will of God for all people.

Scripture: John 4:27-4:34

Our love for God is rooted in the nature of God’s love for us. In this message, Charles Price looks at God’s common love for all people, His covenant love for His chosen people, and His centered love for the individual.

Scripture: Luke 15:11-15:32

We love the Christmas story. Every year we revisit it, but whatever happened to the peace on earth part? Was it just an idle, sentimental hope, a dream, wishful thinking, escapism, unrealistic? What is this peace? Jesus spoke about this later in his own life and ministry in John 14:27, speaking to His disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Let not your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Notice the contrast there: The peace the world gives is external, but the peace Jesus gives is internal. The diagnosis of the Bible is that the biggest problem we have in our world today is not out there. It’s in the human heart.

Scripture: Luke 2:1-2:14

Charles Price opens the book of Matthew to the story of the men from the East who followed the star to Bethlehem in search of a newborn king that turned out to be Jesus Christ. These men in the story were on a search. And many of us today are also on a search—for meaning and purpose. We are assured in Matthew 11:10, “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-2:12

Does anyone ever ask, "How are you?" and you reply, "Well, under the circumstances…."  The problem is that's exactly where we are living—under the circumstances!  How do we rise above the adversity and sing a song of praise?  From the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, Jill Briscoe shows us how Hannah, under very difficult circumstances, found the secret.

Scripture: 1 Samuel 1-2

Jacob summarized his son's life by saying, "Joseph is a fruitful vine."  We have seen the impact of his life and the appropriateness of the description.  It remains, in closing, for us to examine the reasons for his fruitfulness.

It would be good to ask ourselves: Am I rightly rooted and related and resolutely living a fruitful life?

Scripture: Genesis 49-50

Suffering can seem like an endless battle, because as soon as you get in it, you just want to get out.  Hours, days, weeks, months, or even years can go by and you're still asking, "How long, oh Lord?"  So what do you do when you're in a seemingly endless season of hardship?

In this message, Jill shares how when we're willing to wait out our seasons of suffering, God won't let the time go to waste.

Scripture: Job 23:8-23:12

You can’t be a peacemaker if you don’t have peace with Jesus, the Prince of Peace.  We’ve all heard this before, but do we really understand what that means and how to practice it in our lives?

In this message, Jill Briscoe talks about the path to finding our peace with Jesus and making peace with others.  It’s an important topic—because we can’t mend our marriages, settle family conflicts, or resolve issues with others if we don’t truly understand what having peace means.

Scripture: Matthew 5:9

After Jesus was crucified, the women who supported Him were traumatized, the apostles who followed Him were terrified, and it seemed as if the incarnational project He undertook was totaled.

Most of the apostles were originally “resurrection” skeptics—and so are many people today.  Peter was willing to explore the message the women brought.  And he eventually came to a life-changing conclusion.  Everything turned around with the discovery of an empty tomb!

Scripture: Luke 4:1-4:12

The love of God is not just a theological truth. And the love of God is infinitely more than a warm, fuzzy feeling.

As the Scriptures so wonderfully proclaim, the love of God is an accomplished, demonstrable fact that can be objectively examined, subjectively experienced, and positively enjoyed in all its life-changing glory.

Scripture: Romans 5:6-5:11

How can we get ready for Christ to come this Christmas and not allow Christmas to come without Christ? It's not easy to keep Christ in the spotlight when we are so busy preparing for the happenings of the season. But we can, and must, focus on what He did for us as we celebrate His birth this Christmas.

Scripture: Luke 1:26-1:56

Effective ministry will not happen if the ones who are seeking to minister have lost their cutting edge. In building the Kingdom, it is critical to stay spiritually sharp – to depend on Christ to do His work through us. The question is knowing how to do that.

This is the first part in Jill's two-part series on the spiritual art of leadership.

Scripture: 2 Kings 6

The power of the tongue to inform, instruct, and persuade can be a power for good or evil. Truth is more than the words we speak, but the character we live.

Scripture: Matthew 5:33-5:37

The influence of what we are is deeper than what we do. We are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in a decaying dark environment.

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-5:16

The law is not to be taken into our own hands for we must submit to the governing authorities. In this message, Charles teaches about how being driven by love and generosity, we can live godly lives in our contemporary but alien world.

Scripture: Matthew 5:38-5:48

A casual reading of the parable of the widow and the judge might suggest that Jesus was saying if we go on asking God to do what we want, He will give in eventually and we will get our own way!  A careful study of Luke 18:1-14 presents a very different picture.

Scripture: Luke 18:1-18:14

As we progress in our spiritual pilgrimage, we discover things about ourselves and aspects of discipleship that are as disconcerting as they are challenging. But rightly responded to, these discoveries lead to the healthy growth of our souls.

Scripture: Mark 8:27-8:38

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