The Holy Spirit of Prayer
When we pray, most of us spend a lot of time praying for ourselves, our family, and our friends. But did you know there is a lot more that God wants us to pray about? In this message, Jill uses the story of the little pot of oil to explain how we can let the
Running Out of Prayers, Part 2
Have you ever felt like you’re running out of prayers? Maybe you’re disappointed with God because you prayed so hard and the prayer wasn’t answered. Or maybe you’ve just run out of spiritual energy, or you’re in a bad situation in your life and you don’t know how you are going to get through it.
Running Out of Prayers, Part 1
Have you ever felt like you’re running out of prayers? Maybe you’re disappointed with God because you prayed so hard and the prayer wasn’t answered. Or maybe you’ve just run out of spiritual energy, or you’re in a bad situation in your life and you don’t know how you are going to get through it.
Fire on the Mountain
In the story of Elijah, God answers Elijah’s prayer and sends fire from heaven down to Elijah’s altar, in order to show the people of Israel that He is the one and only true God. This is just one example of how God answers prayer. In this message, Jill uses the analogy of an altar
Praying for the Family
It’s easy to get discouraged when we’re praying for a family member or a loved one and we just don’t see God answering our prayers. In those times, we might tend to tell God how and when He should answer the prayer instead of having faith that His answer to our prayers might be in
Chariots of Fire, Part 1
Whether we realize it or not, hostile forces are at work all around us. The devil is constantly trying to bring down as many people as he can. So, when we are struggling with depression, worry, low self-confidence, or fear, it’s important to root ourselves in prayer. In this message, Jill discusses the battle between
The Hidden Life
When we think of the “heroes of the faith,” we tend to focus on the tasks they accomplished and the people they encouraged—but the things they accomplished on their feet wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t spent time on their knees in prayer. Even Elijah had to start somewhere! He was a shepherd in a
The Rain Man
How’s your prayer life? Are your prayers childish, easily distracted, unfocused and lacking in passion, seeing prayer as a way to get what you want? Or are they heartfelt, fervent, and effective… prayer that works? Drawing from the prophet Elijah’s fervent prayer life and his prayers for rain in a drought, Jill guides us in becoming
Worship and Listening
Years ago, Mortimer Adler wrote a book titled How to Read a Book. It sounded elementary, but it proved to be absolutely necessary. It’s highly likely that knowing how to listen to a sermon may be equally elementary and necessary in understanding and applying what is taught to everyday life.
Worship and Prayer
Worship is a response to God’s self-revelation. Prayer, which is either a spoken or unuttered response to Him, is therefore a premier aspect of worship. Whether in the congregation or alone, Jesus taught us we should pray and pray continually.
Worship and Devotions, Part 2
“Don’t put your head on the pillow at night if you hadn’t had your nose in the Book during the day.” —Stuart Briscoe In addition to recognizing the significance of congregational worship, it’s important for believers to develop the practice of personal daily devotions.
Worship and Devotions, Part 1
“Don’t put your head on the pillow at night if you hadn’t had your nose in the Book during the day.” —Stuart Briscoe In addition to recognizing the significance of congregational worship, it’s important for believers to develop the practice of personal daily devotions.
Fight for the Family
Families have been under attack from the beginning of time, and they are under attack today. The devil, who hates families with complete disdain, works overtime to tear down every wall we rebuild. How do we overcome his opposition when we’re exhausted from the constant patch work? In this message, Jill Briscoe teaches from the
A Little Pot of Oil
In 2 Kings 4, there’s a story about a widow who has run out of options on how to pay her creditors. She’s facing the real possibility that she will lose both of her young sons to slavery, as a means of paying her debt. This desperate woman is out of money, out of hope,
Living in Uncertain Times, Part 2
Happy New Year! This hopeful, generous sentiment is shared often at the beginning of a new year. But too often our happiness is dependent upon our happenings, and when things go wrong and curveballs come our way, happiness is gone. So given the uncertainty of the times in which we live, how do we gird
Living in Uncertain Times, Part 1
Happy New Year! This hopeful, generous sentiment is shared often at the beginning of a new year. But too often our happiness is dependent upon our happenings, and when things go wrong and curveballs come our way, happiness is gone. So given the uncertainty of the times in which we live, how do we gird
The Silent Years
Luke is the only Gospel writer who records this part of Jesus’ life. Jesus is now a pre-adolescent. These years are known as “the silent years.”
Jesus Presented at the Temple
A pious young couple with a new baby meet two devout old people in the Temple. A chance meeting—or a divine appointment?
The Wise Men’s Christmas, Part 2
Do you seek Jesus wholeheartedly? The Wise Men were from the East, philosophers and astrologers in the employ of kings. Yet something in their study of the stars convinced them to travel far to seek the baby Jesus to worship as King of the Jews. In this message, Stuart Briscoe helps us understand what may
The Wise Men’s Christmas, Part 1
Do you seek Jesus wholeheartedly? The Wise Men were from the East, philosophers and astrologers in the employ of kings. Yet something in their study of the stars convinced them to travel far to seek the baby Jesus to worship as King of the Jews. In this message, Stuart Briscoe helps us understand what may
No Ordinary Child, Part 2
Who was Jesus? Jesus was no ordinary child. The book of Hebrews says He was Divinity. He was God Himself, Immanuel—God with us. In this Christmas message, Jill Briscoe discusses the miraculous birth of Jesus, who Jesus was, and what that means for us.
No Ordinary Child, Part 1
Who was Jesus? Jesus was no ordinary child. The book of Hebrews says He was Divinity. He was God Himself, Immanuel—God with us. In this Christmas message, Jill Briscoe discusses the miraculous birth of Jesus, who Jesus was, and what that means for us.
The Bread of Life
John’s gospel was written so that the readers “may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing (they) may have life through his name.” What this believing entails and what this life involves are the subjects of our inquiry.
The Living Water, Part 2
Jesus talked to Nicodemus, an orthodox Jewish teacher, and to a Samaritan woman, two people who would never tolerate each other. But He loved both of them. His concern for the eternal well-being of all people transcends all other considerations.
The Living Water, Part 1
Jesus talked to Nicodemus, an orthodox Jewish teacher, and to a Samaritan woman, two people who would never tolerate each other. But He loved both of them. His concern for the eternal well-being of all people transcends all other considerations.
The One and Only Son
John 3:16 used to be regarded as the best known Bible verse. But since the advent of political correctness, “Judge not that ye be not judged” has become better known! That is sad because John 3:16 speaks of the greatest gift of all! Today we’ll unwrap it.
The Right to Become
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father…” This being the case, we will spend a little time unwrapping them to see what He has given us. First, He has given us “the right to become the children of God.”
Honoring God, Part 2
In many of the remaining monarchies, the kings and queens are much beloved by their people, but they have very little real power. Sadly, many believers relate to Jesus the same way. They proclaim Jesus to be King of Kings and the Lord of their lives, but they make all the decisions! When we let Christ truly
Honoring God, Part 1
In many of the remaining monarchies, the kings and queens are much beloved by their people, but they have very little real power. Sadly, many believers relate to Jesus the same way. They proclaim Jesus to be King of Kings and the Lord of their lives, but they make all the decisions! When we let Christ truly
The Contentment of Godliness
The heretical teachers were apparently extorting exorbitant amounts of money from the church using godliness as a means to financial gain. Paul repudiated their activities but used the opportunity to show the great gain of “godliness with contentment.”
How to Discover My Gifts, Part 2
What kind of spiritual gifts do you have? For many of us, it’s hard to know. But it’s easier than you think to discover the wonderful gifts God has given you. In this message, Jill explains how by just looking at our lives and our day to day activities we can discover how to use
How to Discover My Gifts, Part 1
What kind of spiritual gifts do you have? For many of us, it’s hard to know. But it’s easier than you think to discover the wonderful gifts God has given you. In this message, Jill explains how by just looking at our lives and our day to day activities we can discover how to use
Reach Out and Touch
So what’s the purpose of an abundant life on earth? Why doesn’t Jesus just take us to heaven now, to enjoy life with Him there? Jesus said, “I have other sheep which are not of this sheep pen, I must bring them also.” In this message, Stuart describes his last way for us to get
Comfort through Relationship
Are you in a dead-end relationship? Disappointed because that “special person” doesn’t meet all of your needs? We hear about situations like these all the time. It’s clear we’re created as relational beings, so why do we struggle so much with relationships? In this message Stuart Briscoe teaches about the ultimate relationship that brings both
Waiting for Jesus
Jesus is coming again. He is coming soon… and we’d better be ready! Jill Briscoe boldly states this as she talks about the second coming of Christ. She explains the need to be alert and shares the joy in anticipating His return.
The Answer to Anxiety
Anxiety can be described is a low-grade, ongoing feeling of dread and stress—and is extremely debilitating. As a result of situations in which we find ourselves in the 21st Century, many people are going through life experiences that are anxiety-producing! The question is: How do we cope? In this message, Stuart Briscoe takes us to Philippians
Thirsty for Living Water, Part 2
Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. When we respond to Him, He comes to indwell us by His Spirit. He lives within to lend us His passion, give us His vision, and infuse a sense of mission into the very fabric of our lives. If Jesus Christ lives in you,
Thirsty for Living Water, Part 1
Christ came to seek and to save that which was lost. When we respond to Him, He comes to indwell us by His Spirit. He lives within to lend us His passion, give us His vision, and infuse a sense of mission into the very fabric of our lives. If Jesus Christ lives in you,
The Fearful Heart
Fear is not only a human response we all share as human beings, but an essential one that needs recognizing, accepting, and managing. Effectively managed fear ceases to control our actions. But if unacknowledged, fear takes control, and we find ourselves caught up in varying degrees of destructive behavior.
The Gratitude Attitude
Thanksgiving is a characteristic of the Christian lifestyle, and lack of thanksgiving is condemned by God. The English word “thanksgiving” in the New Testament is a translation of the Greek word “eucharistia,” which at its core is “charis” or grace. An understanding of grace is absolutely necessary for an appropriate response of thanksgiving. Grace and
Heart Ache, Part 2
Sometimes we think that if we could only get what we want, we would finally be happy. Solomon thought that, too. He had a “getting” obsession, never denying himself anything he wanted, and he became “greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before [him].” But all these things didn’t bring Solomon the happiness he was
Heart Ache, Part 1
Sometimes we think that if we could only get what we want, we would finally be happy. Solomon thought that, too. He had a “getting” obsession, never denying himself anything he wanted, and he became “greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before [him].” But all these things didn’t bring Solomon the happiness he was
Heart Cry, Part 2
Ever feel like something is missing, like you just don’t belong? You probably feel that way because it is true! God created us for Himself and put eternity in our hearts—we were not made for here. So how do we make the most of this life where “everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind”
Heart Cry, Part 1
Ever feel like something is missing, like you just don’t belong? You probably feel that way because it is true! God created us for Himself and put eternity in our hearts—we were not made for here. So how do we make the most of this life where “everything is meaningless, a chasing after the wind”
Worship and Listening
Years ago, Mortimer Adler wrote a book titled How to Read a Book. It sounded elementary, but it proved to be absolutely necessary. It’s highly likely that knowing how to listen to a sermon may be equally elementary and necessary in understanding and applying what is taught to everyday life.
Worship and Prayer
Worship is a response to God’s self-revelation. Prayer, which is either a spoken or unuttered response to Him, is therefore a premier aspect of worship. Whether in the congregation or alone, Jesus taught us we should pray and pray continually.
Worship and Devotions, Part 2
“Don’t put your head on the pillow at night if you hadn’t had your nose in the Book during the day.” —Stuart Briscoe In addition to recognizing the significance of congregational worship, it’s important for believers to develop the practice of personal daily devotions.
Worship and Devotions, Part 1
“Don’t put your head on the pillow at night if you hadn’t had your nose in the Book during the day.” —Stuart Briscoe In addition to recognizing the significance of congregational worship, it’s important for believers to develop the practice of personal daily devotions.
Everness, Part 2
When you come to familiar Scriptures, do you tend to pass them by? Most of us have heard Psalm 23, describing the Shepherd’s relationship with His sheep. Take time and allow the Lord to give you a fresh revelation on these verses as Jill Briscoe shares her heart and perspective on one of her favorite passages
Everness, Part 1
When you come to familiar Scriptures, do you tend to pass them by? Most of us have heard Psalm 23, describing the Shepherd’s relationship with His sheep. Take time and allow the Lord to give you a fresh revelation on these verses as Jill Briscoe shares her heart and perspective on one of her favorite passages